Währenddessen am anderen Ende der Welt...

Knowing that you have been reading my blog for so long with Google Translate, I think it's time to train my English skills again and to do this in English for you:

While I am in Dijon working and simply having a great time, my sister Lea is currently staying in the United States as she is part of an exchange program.

Sadly, there have not been enough American students to host Germans, so my "former host dad" Mr. Jeff (I had been part of the exchange in 2012/2013) let my sister and one friend of hers stay at his home, which is unbelievably kind and amazing!

- Thank you so much -

I bet she had a blast during these two weeks and I hope she is going to enjoy her stay in New York as well :)

Miss you little sister and remember to be back safe and sound, hoffe du hast ganz viel Spaß und genießt deine Zeit♥

And I surely have to remind you, dear Mr. Jeff, to come visit us in Germay/France soon! And we both know you're gonna do well with your German: Erdbeere :D (only word I taught him during my stay this summer hahaha)


Mal ein etwas anderer Blogeintrag von mir, aber mich freut es einfach, dass auch meine Schwester schon "internationale Erfahrungen" machen darf :) Solche Reisen sind wahre Bereicherungen!

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Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Jeff (Samstag, 31 Oktober 2015 13:39)

    Thank you so much for the post in English, I do seem to lose a little in the translation. While Lea was here she had fun looking at your blog then translating it with Google and laughing at the differences. What a sweet little sister you have, I miss her being here this morning when I woke up.

  • #2

    Michelle (Samstag, 31 Oktober 2015 13:45)

    You are very welcome! Hahaha I bet she had, I enjoy Google's translations as well :D it's hilarious
    Aww :) glad you are getting to know more family members of mine.